Saturday, 1 October 2011

1 October 2011

What an amazing day filled with music, dance, preaching like you have never heard before. The children were performing all afternoon.  Their performances were of such a high standard and would put many children in the UK to shame. All the songs are from text from the Bible or relating to the peoples/children's lives now and how they live their faith. Children from Compassion International were there and sung about their lives, how they have nothing and feel worthless. Very moving. The children are a delight and keep swamping us to be with them. It is a very moving experience to  be with  people of no material wealth and yet  so thankful for the little they have. We have shed a few tears today during words sung by the children.  We actually had rain today for a short while, the first I have eve seen during my visits to Tanzania. It is now 9.50pm and has been a long day. Tomorrow is the climax of the celebrations when an outdoor service of Holy Communion will be held out doors for the hundreds of people attending. Linda will be reading Psalm 116 v.12-19 in Swahili and I shall be assisting during the administering of the bread and wine. I am sure there will also be many songs sung, prayers said and a good doze of preaching. Every blessing to all, with love, Yolande

1 comment:

  1. Hi Yolande

    Great to follow all your news

    Lots of love

    Mark and Clare
