Friday, 14 October 2011

More photographs

Delivering clothes to the 300+ orphans of Chetimo and Nyhinilia. This is the area where 'Seeds4Tanzania' would like to start its first project to build a pre-school for the orphans and young children of the village. A plot has been designated half way between the two area. Work will start by collecting the stones for the foundation. The foundation will then be dug and after the rains (Nov onwards) if they come, the mud bricks will be made. There is now a bank account set up and the secretary of the building project gave me an account of how they have spent the funds which were donated 18 months ago and the remaining balance. They have a project committee and have really taken on board all that I have suggested would be required for this project to proceed. It will take much patience on my part as things move slowly in Africa due to the weather conditions, communication and the fact that all the work done will be on a voluntary basis by the people of the villages who also have to maintain themselves with their planting and harvesting. IT WILL HAPPEN.

SOME OF THE ORPHANS  - they live with families in the villages who are themselves very poor - some live with a relative. It is the churches that try to maintain them by four times a year asking the people to give what they can.  This might be grain, chickens that can be sold, material, in fact anything that they might have that will be of use. Volunteers try to give the children some activities and education but they are not qualified teachers. My first suggestion has been that they start training at least 8 people as pre-school teachers. This will take funding because they will have to be sent to a training centre. This will be the first funding for 'Seeds'  to cover.

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