Saturday, 22 November 2014


The main project for SEEDS4Tanzania has been to build the pre-schools in Chitemo and Nyhinila villages. We are nearly there.  It is down to accessories now.  However, having also trained teachers,  teachers cannot work for free.  The villages are very poor and are unable to pay the teachers so we need to come up with a scheme to generate funds and make the villages independent in this task.
We visited the Animal Research Centre in Mpwapwa.  Their objective is to research the most productive breeds of animals for farmers in Tanzania, depending on the area they are living.  Also the centre researches the best feed for the animals and how to grow it.  Very simply, although it is not going to be this simple,  SEEDS are hoping to supply the villages with a selection of animals that they can breed and then sell at market to generate funds to pay for the teachers and maintain the schools.  The animals will also provide food products such as eggs, milk, meat etc. The village of Chitemo (which is the larger)  will be used as the centre for the animals.  A group will be organised to look after the animals and the members of the group will go to the Animal Research Centre for training in animal husbandry - best practice.  We are thinking of starting with chickens and goats.
So far we have funded and designed programmes to aid the development of the villages  and encourage them to take responsibility for the following:-

1) The  children between the ages of 3 - 7 will attend school and have the opportunity to develop  skills that will take them onto a firmer footing when they move to formal education in the Government schools.

2) With education the children will have the opportunity to build a brighter future.

3)  Adults of the villages will have learnt how important education is for the children who are the future of their communities, their country.

4) They will have also learnt that with a little help working together as a community can change the fortunes of the villages.

It is hoped that they will take on board the animal project with the same enthusiasm they have shown to-date for the above.


KISHINGO chickens are meatier and produce more eggs.
Goats produce two kids per year and are a good source of milk.  Goats milk is also medicinal  and good for children who have dietary problems and skin complaints. 
There are still challenges ahead but every step gets us nearer our original aid to help to make a difference in the lives of these children and hopefully a brighter future.

The growing of special feed is important for the animals to flourish.

'The Famous Five' in Tanzania October 2014 Part 5

Jacqui has a quiet moment in the church at Nyhinila.
Our final Sunday in Chitemo church with 369 congregation!
I am honoured to baptise 9 babies in the baptism font we delivered that morning donated by a supporter of Chitemo Church.  A font has also been presented to Nyhinila Church donated by the same person. The Pastor and the people were delighted as previously washing up basins were used.
Jacqui our Trustee is baptised into the  'GoGo' tribe with the name Wendo which means loveliness.
The Choir with local musical instruments get ready to sing their thanks for all the blessings of the day.

'The Famous Five' in Tanzania Part 4

Music plays an important part in the lives of the people.  It expresses their joys, sorrows and hope for the future.
We all have a go!
All these activities give us an apatite - the children have porridge made from maize, hot water and honey. 
No 'Kitchen Aid' the maize is ground on a stone with another stone!
Are the women impressed?
We donated another 300 mosquito nets to be distributed amongst the most vulnerable little children in the two villages.  Children die daily from Malaria, we do what we can.

Friday, 21 November 2014

'The Famous Five' in Tanzania Part 3

The children singing songs to greet us.
Getting ready for activities
Making bubbles and lets chase them!!

In a big circle actions and words to 'The wheels on the bus go round and round.....'  
Here we are with the babies on the bus go waw, waw, waw!


We need to stand in teams and wait our turn.
Bean bag races have to be taken very seriously!
  Some of us need a little help!
We know how to skip!
We have to run and balance the tennis ball on the Frisbee!
This is how you do it!
Can you help me I'm only little!
A lot easier chasing the Frisbees than running with them!
More bubbles please!
Running under the parachute getting covered in dust and screaming that's the best fun!

'The Famous Five' October 2014 - Part 2

Three Scout groups visited Chitemo and Nyhinila villages in July 20.  During their visit they cleared ground around the two pre-schools to make safe play areas for the children.
The children visit their pre-school and look forward to when the school will open for lessons.

Hagali from Nyhinila

 Ruthu from Chitemo

Two young women who trained as pre-school teachers funded by SEEDS

 SEEDS are hoping to fund the training of another two women one from each village.

Water at last!


Our trustee Rev Nicky Teverson raised the majority of the funds to drop a water bore-hole at the village of Nyhinila. On the 11 October 2014 there were great celebrations as the first waters gushed out of the pipe.  The people will no longer have to walk 6 kilometres to access water at Chitemo and this will also alleviate the demand on the Chitemo bore-hole . On that first day the water was free and thereafter there will be a small charge per 20litres so that there will be funds to maintain the bore-hole and generator.
The first water at Nyhinila - 11 October 2014
Water at last - The people wait patiently.
Time to fill up the containers!
Tree planting
We planted trees around the bore-hole site to help prevent soil subsidence during the rainy season.

Thursday, 20 November 2014

'The famous five' travel to Tanzania October 2014 - Part 1

Heathrow Airport.   For myself it was the fifth annual visit to Tanzania.  For the rest of the team it was their first.  So much excitement!
We are met at Dar Es Salaam by my faithful driver Rajabu.  A trip to Tanzania would not be possible without him
Some of the wonderful children at the village of Chitemo where we are building one of the pre-schools.
 Jacqui Weale one of SEEDS trustees and also Co-Ordinator for the Link between All Saints Church Orpington and the villages of Chitemo and Nyhinila presents Pastor Festo Kizuzu and his wife Sara with gifts from All Saints.

The building of the pre-schools at Chitemo and Nyhinila (which are identical) is now completed including window and door frames.  The walls inside and out require painting and the ground immediately around the schools need clearing.  50 desks and chairs are being made for both schools, including desk, chairs and equipment cupboards for the teachers.  Each classroom will have a large blackboard and each child a small hand held blackboard. These are now on order and of course the chalk.  Paper and pencils are not sustainable as the cost money.  We also purchased large posters to go up onto the walls with numbers, letters of the alphabet and colour.   Hopefully by the end of the year the schools will be up and running - Hooray!! 
The metal worker who is making the frames for the desks and chairs.
There are always many meetings with the village committees to discuss what has been achieved and the way forward.  Of course I have to practice my Swahili which is always a big challenge
Inside the classroom.
Pastor Festo is presented with his laptop - What a difference it will make. He will now have a wonderful aid to communication.



Thursday, 25 September 2014

13 days to go!!

Only 13 days before we leave for Tanzania.  Five and a half years ago I visited for the first time thinking it would be a one and only visit.  Well every year since I have returned to what has become my second home and family.  I am really excited this time as our daughter Rebecca who is also a trustee of SEEDS4tanzania will be visiting for the first time.  She has heard so much and seen so many photographs but nothing can prepare  for the real thing.  There are three others who are also visiting for the first time. Exciting times ahead.  I have now finished packing,weighing and itemising 8 suitcases with still two to go.  Having already sent out 10 in July with the Scouts I am starting to find packing less attractive! All the items, children's clothes, toys, games, school equipment, ladies bras,sweets,lolly pops and much more have been donated by many supporters and I am so grateful.