Maasai orphan project
SEEDS are funding 25 Maasai orphans to enable them to attend school. We also supply funds for food to be distributed to Maasai villages where there is great poverty. The villages are in the area of Kiteto a long drive from where we have our other projects and the Maasai are very poor with few facilities if any. When we visited three years ago for the first time we were the first white people the adults and children had met. The visit was challenging for all involved, the local people, ourselves and particularly the children. However, it did not take long for all concerned to communicate and become friends. Although English had to be translated into Swahili and then into Maasai and back again. Visits since have been looked forward to by all and we shall return in October. As always the education of children is so important and without our help the children would not be able to attend school and progress in their lives.
Some of the Maasai orphans who now attend school.
Transporting grain and cooking oil to the villages - not an easy task.
Transporting grain and cooking oil to the villages - not an easy task.
Grain and oil has been distributed to the villages by Rev Baraka. I have known Rev Baraka for 9 years we met when he was studying at the St Phillips Theological College in Mpwapwa Diocese. He is an Anglican Maasai Priest and it is through him and his heart for his people that SEEDS came to support his work. We send out funds quarterly to cover food and the children's schooling but Rev Baraka knows that this is not sustainable and will have to become self funding in the future. He now has land to cultivate crops and also a goat herd. It is hoped that these will produce the funds that are required to help with food shortage and I am hoping that we shall also find individuals who are willing to sponsor a child's schooling which amounts to £60 to cover uniform, books and stationery.
My grateful thanks as always for support that is given to SEEDS for our projects.
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