It has been so uplifting to see the recent photographs of the two pre-schools. I have to thank my dear friend and colleague in Mpwapwa, Rev Capt. Agripa L.S. Ndatila, Director of Mission and Evangelism & Link Coordinator for the help and commitment to ensure that I am kept up-to-date with progress while I am in the UK.
The project started from very humble beginnings with the children being taught in the open air with just a tree for shelter from the sun. We now have a school in each village that the villagers and children can call their own. Two young women one from each village, have been trained as pre-school teachers. Hagali from Nyhinila gave birth to her third child in October while we were there visiting. She worked until the day before the birth - such is the dedication and commitment. If you look closing at the photograph of her at the blackboard you can just about see the top of the red hat of her baby on her back -
Ruthu the pre-school teacher from Chitemo at present is not married or has children. In the near future we are hoping to train more women as pre-school teachers. Of course everything is always funds permitting. Cooking and eating equipment has already been provided so that the children attending school with be given some porridge. Toilets have also been built for the children.
I am sure the schools will require teaching aids and these will be provided. However, teachers have to be paid so our next project, as mentioned before in a previous blog, is to supply the villages with animals to breed and sell at market. The funds acquired can be used to pay the teachers and maintain the schools. It is so important that these villages become independent of help. We shall make sure that those taking care of the animals are trained in animal husbandry to ensure the greatest yield. This will be done through the Animal Research Centre in Mpwapwa.
I am so looking forward to our return visit in October 2015 but until then there is much to do and I am so thankful to all the individuals, groups and organisation who have supported us and helped to achieve a dream to provide these little children and the villagers with a chance of a better future.
Thank you, Asante Sana.