Monday, 14 July 2014

Annual Fundraiser - 'Something Saxy'

A great evening of music, fun, laughter and dancing was enjoyed by 71 supporters. Two talented musicians, Andy and James entertained us with a variety of music sung and played ranging from Sinatra, Elvis, Chase & Dave, Benny Hill theme, Monty Python 'Always look on the bright side of life' and many more well known songs.
Andy and James
 A number of glasses of wine were consumed!
The generosity of the supporters raised sufficient funds to purchase 300 mosquito nets for the most vulnerable little children of 5 years and under in the villages of Chitemo and Nyhinila.  These will be distributed during the next visit of 'SEED'S representatives in October.

Thursday, 3 July 2014

Our co-ordinator in Tanzania

Rev.Capt Agripa Nadatila is the Director of Mission & Evangelism Department & Co-ordinator for Link Relationships in the Diocese of Mpwapwa.  I have known Rev Agripa and his family for a number of years and he acts on our behalf making sure that all runs as smoothly as possible with the project. He is a great help in keeping SEEDS informed with the progress  and we have to thank Rev Agripa for the time that he gives to SEEDS in an already challenging role in his diocese. It is his efforts visiting the villages that brings us the up-to-date photographs.  Asante Sana

Certificate and exam results for Hagai Kapwaga

SEEDS4tanzania funded the training of Hagai Kapwaga a young mother from Nyhinila village to train as a pre-school teacher.  She graduated in November 2013 and we are delighted to hear that her results have given her a qualification to pursue a higher level of  Diploma in childhood teaching.

Latest news from Chitemo and Nyhinila

Latest photographs of Chitemo pre-school

Building work has been temporarily halted as the cheque book was lost and the building committee were unable to draw any funds.  This is now being rectified with the bank.All being well they will be able to continue to have window/ door frames made, render the walls and cement the floor.  I have learnt that working in Africa needs patience but we shall get there!
Orpington Scouts are leaving for Tanzania on 19 July and one of their projects will be to clear the land around the Chitemo and Nyhinila pre-schools to make safe areas for the children to play.  The Scouts will also be making activity toys for the children's play area.
Photographs of the pre-school in Nyhinila will soon be available when a visit is made by our co-ordinator Rev Agripa Ndatila.