Tuesday, 31 May 2016

4 June off to Tanzania

Another trip is on the horizon.  Four of us will travel the many miles to the district of Mpwapwa.  This trip is specifically to kick start the next SEEDS project.  We now have two pre-schools up and running with a trained teacher in each.  Three more teachers are being trained and will graduate at the end of this year.  Teachers need to be paid and schools maintained. At present SEEDS is supporting the teachers.   We have therefore trained 5 men from the villages in animal husbandry to breed pigs.  They in turn will train other villagers.  Once piglets are produced in time they will be sold at market and the funds will go into the school bank account to pay the teachers salaries and maintain the schools.  Pork is a favourite meat in Tanzania. Of course this will all take time but the aim is to enable the two villages Chitemo and Nyhinila to become self-supporting and independent of our aid.

A number of supporters have sponsored and named a piglet.  If you would like to do so the purchase of a pig is £15.

The story of the 'piglets' will be updated on my return after 20 June. 

Help for orphan children in Kiteto area

Rev Barka Mollel whom I have known for the past 8 years who is a Masai Anglican priest who  ministers to the Masai people in a very poor area of Tanzania.  There are many orphan children who are suffering from poverty.  Little food, clean water, clothes, education.  It was decided to help some of these children and funds were sent to buy the basic necessities and send them to school. Below are a few photographs of some of the children. 

We in the west are so privilege. Despite these years of 'austerity' many of us continue to lead very comfortable lives, buying the latest IT, holidaying around the world, clothes, houses, cars, paying school fees and yet in 2016 there are still so many children around the world who have so very little and barely survive. There is something very wrong in the distribution of resources in our world.
Children receive grain and oil and books for school

Beans, maize, oil

More grain and oil

Grain, oil,school uniform and school book

It takes very little funding to make a big difference in the lives of these children.