A very Happy and Healthy 2013 to all our blog readers!
It seems hard to believe that we have moved through our first year as a charity. I am delighted with the progress that has been made and the many new supporters who have come forward to be part of our vision to make a difference in the lives of children in Tanzania. In December 2012 a fund raising event held by Rev Nicky Teverson, one of our trustees, raised £1500 towards the bore-hole project. It has been estimated that £4000 will be required as long as the water is not too deep below the surface. The deeper the bore hole the greater the expense. A great start to the funds. We also transferred funds to the Chitemo Watoto account to cover the cost of cement required for the foundations at the two pre-schools and also funding to send one of the young women from Chitemo village to the capital Dodoma to train as a pre-school teacher. I have not had any communications recently from Mpwapwa Diocese as it is the rainy season and I believe that the people are very busy working on the land. The next few months will be important with regards to fund raising as we require another £10,000 and thankfully there are already a number of events that should help towards this. Also there will be the planning for our next trip in June and although I do not want to wish my time away it is wonderful to know that I shall be returning the the people and country that I have come to love and feel at home in. Onwards and upwards!